Hard Work Pays Off For Hurricanes

Published: 12 June 2014

All of the hard work and determination has paid off for five of our Hurricanes members as they received their level upgrades at the recent NQ Open & Senior Regional Touch Football Championships.

An added special moment from the weekend was the graduation of Taleisha Perfect after receiving here Level Four upgrade.

It's the first time that a referee in the program has graduated and paves the way for many more to follow in her footsteps.

It will also serve as the first time the exit program, which is currently being developed, will be used.

As part of the exit program, coordinators Scott Marsh and Kerrod Hall will work with Perfect work to re-integrate her back into the squad as a mentor.


Four Upgraded to Level Three

Joining Perfect on the upgrades list was Burdekin's Josh Great and Townsville's Andrew Burry, Hayden Hilyear and Danielle Maltby.

The upgrade tasted all the more sweeter for Maltby, after being knocked back multiple times over the past 18 months.

Maltby's upgrade sets a great example for other members of the squad, and shows that persistence, determination and hard work does pay off.

The upgrades have set a great standard for program newcomers Burry and Hilyear, both joining at the start of the year, and the region will be watching with anticipation at their next steps in the program.


The program coordinators, Kerrod and Scott, would like to congratulate all members of the Hurricanes program who performed well above expectation over the weekend.

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