Joining the Hurricanes Program
Interested in joining the program as a youth referee or mentor, or do you know someone who would might be interested?
Talent Identification & Recruitment
The Hurricanes Program coordinator is responsible for overseeing the identification of talented youth referees, utilising the resources of the North Queensland Referee Coaching Panel, Development Officers, and senior referees throughout the region. While not all youth referees are interested in furthering their development, those that do will be considered to become part of the program.
Identification of talented youth referees can occur at any level of the sport and, upon identification, the program’s coordinator will discuss the program with the identified referee to determine if the individual is interested in progressing their career as a referee. If interested, the program’s coordinator will invite the referee to find a mentor and nominate to enter the program.
Nomination & Appointment Process
Identified referees who match the appointment criteria and can nominate to join the program at any time.
Nominees and their mentors are assessed by the program’s coordinator and the NQTA Referees Panel. The assessment process includes an assessment of the referee’s on-field performance as well as the suitability of the nominated mentor to perform their duties.
If successful, the referee and their mentor are endorsed by the North Queensland Referees Director and formally appointed to the program.
Entry Criteria
Youth Referees
The program is open to youth referees based who fulfil the following criteria:
- Aged 13–18;
- Referee regularly in an NQTA-affiliated local competition;
- Not play at a representative level;
- Be at least a qualified Level One Touch Football Referee;
- Have a commitment and desire to progress their refereeing to higher levels;
- Be able to attend identified events within the North Queensland region and beyond.
Youth referees are appointed to the program because they show a primary commitment to refereeing, not just at a local level, but also at a regional level and higher.
Senior referees will be appointed to the program as mentors, based on the following criteria:
- Actively involved in the sport for at least two years prior to appointment;
- Holds a minimum TFA Level Three Referee accreditation;
- Holds (or is able to hold) a minimum TFA Foundation Referee Coach accreditation;
- Shows a desire to develop up-and-coming referees in the region;
- Shows an understanding of the role of a mentor.
Okay, So How Do I Join?
So you're ready to become a Hurricane? Here's what you need to do.
Tell us you're keen!
Tell us you're keen!
We want to know that you're interested, so don't be afraid to get in contact with us and tell us you want to be apart of the program.
From there, we can help you through the next few steps, like finding a mentor and getting all of the formal application sorted.
Find a mentor!
Find a mentor!
Your mentor will be with your for the duration of your appointment to the program. Choose someone that fits our criteria (above) and ask them to be your mentor.
The mentoring relationship works best when you choose someone who you already get along with; someone who you already go to for guideance and support. If there's an experienced referee that already helps you to develop your skills, have a conversation with them about becoming your mentor. If they only fit part of the criteria (above) for being a mentor, speak to the Program Coordinator/s and we can work with them so they do.
You've spoken to the Program Coordinator/s, found a mentor, and now the only thing left to do is to complete and return your membership agreement!
The Program Coordinator/s will send you a copy of your membership agreement, which you'll need to complete and return before your term of appointment can commence. From there, you'll be given access to all of the training programs and courses and your journey with the Hurricanes program begins!